Our signature eclairs are a true delight for the senses.
Baked with care by our esteemed pastry chef, each eclair is made with only the finest ingredients, carefully selected for their quality and flavour.
Drawing inspiration from the rich traditions of French and Japanese patisseries, our recipe has been honed to perfection, resulting in an eclair that is simply exquisite.
Every bite is a revelation, from the delicate choux pastry shell to the sumptuous cream filling. Treat yourself to the ultimate indulgence and savour the unparalleled taste of our signature eclair.
Pastry Chef
Makoto Yamaguchi
Our Executive Pastry Chef Makoto grew up watching her mother bake bread and sweets daily.
After graduating from Tokyo Culinary School in Japan, Makoto graduated with honours from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, France. She then apprenticed and worked with top patisserie in Paris, France and Tokyo, Japan. In 2006, she opened her own pastry shop to introduce her delicate art of handcrafted cakes and was a successful patisserie in Tokyo for 15 years.
She has now opens a patisserie specializing in eclairs and custom cakes in Ambleside, West Vancouver, to serve as a cultural bridge between Canada and Japan.
The bridge between
tradition and artisan
They are perfect for snacks, appetizers, party finger foods, or gifts.
We believe that delicious sweets have the power to make people joyful and happy. Likewise, Patisserie Le Pont believes that the art of creating exceptional cakes of the highest quality will contribute to the well-being of our clientele.
Premium Ingredients
Cacao Barry Chocolate
Premium Chocolate Couverture from France
Itoen Tea Leaves
The largest tea company brand from Japan
MapleHill Farms Eggs
Certified Organic Free Range Egg
Seasonal fruit from local farms
Dairyland European Style Creamery Cultured Butter
Premium natural butter sourced daily from local suppliers
Rocket 7 Coffee
Vancouver-based premium coffee
Our Values
Our products are handmade by our artisan pastry chef and freshly baked from our ovens daily. We use all natural ingredients with no MSG, additives or preservatives.